Industrial Commission Online Network Employer Guide
- Who can use ICON?
- How do I log in to ICON?
- What if I have problems logging in?
- How do I get a password?
- How do I change my password?
- What if I forgot my password?
- What information can I access on ICON?
- What if I find incorrect information?
- Why can't I access my Claim Detail page?
- How do I open and print claim correspondence?
- What are Interpretive Services?
- How do I request an interpreter online?
- How do I request a cancellation online?
- How do I request a continuance online?
- What can I submit/request online?
- How do I submit an appeal/objection online?
- Why can't I appeal some IC Orders?
- How do I know my online request was submitted?
- How do I view documents?
- How do I view documents for heardwith and reference claims?
- How and when can I contact your IT Helpdesk?
- What are the IC document submission guidelines?
- How do I access my upcoming hearings?
- What are docketing reps?
- What is the purpose of identifying and usingdocketing reps?
- Why are hearings being docketed on days forwhich hearing blocks were requested?
- What if the hierarchy identifies the incorrectdocketing rep for the employer?
- What if the only employer rep is a TPA at theclaim level?
- If a rep is designated as the docketing rep, willthe other reps continue to receive all notices forclaims/risks?
- If an employer wants the attorney (vs. the TPA)to attend a specific hearing (the TPA is thedocketing rep), what action needs to take place?
- How will concurrent hearing values affect ourhearing schedules?
- Who should I contact if I have questions orconcerns about how the hierarchy or docketingrep is chosen at risk and/or claim level?
- How do I manage my reps?
The Employers Guide to ICON is designed to help you understand when and how you can use ICON and to provide assistance in navigating its many features.
Select from the list of user-related questions to view the answers.