Docketing Reps

In general, the suffix of a representative number has meaning. Please contact the IT Helpdesk 877-218-4810, if the suffix of your representative number does not correspond to the following:

-80 = TPAs

-90 = Individual Practicing Attorney

-91 = Law Firms

-92 = Union Locals

Docketing reps are reps that will be participating in the hearing. The IC put in place a hierarchy that identifies which reps will be considered the docketing rep in the absence of a designation by the employer.

It allows for more equitable hearing schedules for all parties. It is impossible to create smooth schedules when docketing five and six reps for one hearing when only one IW rep and one Employer rep generally participate for the hearing.

After logging into ICON, select MANAGE ACCESS > MANAGE EMPLOYER REPS from the top navigation menu.

At the Manage Employer Representatives page, you will see the reps assigned at the risk level at the top half of the page. By default, a docketing rep will already be designated according to the IC’s calculations. To designate a different docketing rep, place a check mark next to the appropriate representative and click DESIGNATE. The docketing rep will change and you will now see your choice as the “Designated Docketing Rep”. Click RESET to undo your changes.

To manage your reps at the claim level, enter the claim number you wish to manage and click CONTINUE. You will then see the reps listed for that specific claim. To designate a different rep for that claim ONLY, place a check mark next to the appropriate representative and click DESIGNATE. That rep will now be the “Designated Docketing Rep” for that claim. Click RESET to undo your changes.

Employers should designate the correct docketing rep(s) using ICON. The hierarchy is used only when no docketing rep has been designated. If a docketing rep is not designated at the risk or claim level the IC chooses the rep according to established criteria.

Hearing blocks are considered only for those reps who are the docketing reps.

Generally, TPAs at the claim level would not be considered. However, if that TPA is the only rep, then the TPA is the docketing rep.

Please contact the IT Helpdesk 877-218-4810, so that we can properly identify your status.

Fax a completed C-267 (Request for Changes Related to BWC Representative ID Number) to 614-621-3437. This form is available on the BWC website.

Yes, all reps associated with a claim and/or risk will continue to receive notices, hearing orders, etc., even though they are not the docketing rep.

The employer can, through ICON, designate the attorney as the docketing rep at the claim level for that particular claim, or the rep can file an R-1. The TPA will continue to receive all notices, hearing orders, etc.

Concurrent hearing values are only considered for docketing reps. Your current values (viewable on ICON) are your "preference" when the IC dockets your claims for hearing. The number of concurrent hearing values you select will tell the IC how many people you have available to cover dockets statewide.

The IC will not honor continuance requests for the reason of hearing conflict from parties not designated as the docketing rep. Parties/TPAs are encouraged to look ahead when working in claims to pre-determine if they anticipate challenging an issue and it is determined that the attorney should be brought into the claim. Then a change will need to take place in the claim/risk so that the attorney becomes the docketing rep.

You can contact the IT Helpdesk 877-218-4810, or you can contact the Director of Hearing Services 614-466-8189.