Ombuds Office - Frequently Asked Questions
The Ombuds office is independent of the BWC and the IC. We are a service that helps answer complaints and general inquiries about the Ohio Workers’ Compensation system.
If you don’t understand or are not satisfied after working with BWC and/or the IC, our office can work with you to resolve your complaint.
The Ombuds Office can’t represent an injured worker or employer in court or at an IC hearing. In addition, we can’t give legal advice nor give an opinion on a BWC or IC hearing order.
Call our office when you have exhausted all other resources or more information is needed and you don’t know where to turn. You may also contact us if you aren’t satisfied with BWC or IC services, and you have an emergency that requires immediate action.
When you call, please have your BWC claim/policy number or your Social Security number available.
First, try and resolve your complaint with BWC by calling 1-800-OHIOBWC, or by visiting BWC's website.
You may also resolve your complaint with the IC by calling 1-800-521-2691.
If your problem is still unresolved, contact the Ombuds Office.
If your problem is still unresolved, contact the Ombuds Office.