Monday, January 24, 2022

100,000 Hearing Orders and Counting…

Mary Daniels, an administrative professional in the Columbus Regional Office, achieved a big professional milestone in 2021.

During the current calendar year, Daniels surpassed 100,000 hearing orders produced during her tenure with the agency.

And that’s not including letters and other documents she produced during that time.

“Those of us who have had the good fortune to work with Mary have long known what a superlative job she does with whatever task is presented to her,” Columbus Regional Manager Felicity Hillmer said. “Nevertheless, seeing her accomplishment quantified is extremely impressive. Kudos to Mary for achieving this remarkable professional milestone!”

To put the number in perspective, the next closest employee, who is retired, produced 88,000 orders during their tenure with the agency.

Next month, Daniels will have worked for the Ohio Industrial Commission for 31 years.

She said the large number of hearing orders is simply a product of doing her job.

“The more years you put in, the more orders you produce. I don’t really count the orders. I just type them,” Daniels said. “I feel like the orders are a service to our customers so I just try to produce as many as I can.”