IC Fact Sheets
Think of IC Fact Sheets as crib sheets about the Industrial Commission (IC). Our fact sheets give you a condensed version of the info that you need to understand the disputed claims process. Each Fact Sheet details a specific process area, contains a question and answer section, and provides Customer Service contact information. Click HERE for all IC locations.
Your Rights - A close-up look at your rights and benefits in the IC system.
Pre-Hearing Procedures - Walk through the duties of a hearing administrator to understand what occurs before the hearing including continuances, compliance letters and pre-hearing conferences.
Hearing Process - A step-by-step guide to the hearing process.
Medical Examinations - Understand the necessity and process of medical examinations.
Rule-Making Process - Learn how the rules are created that govern the agency.
Permanent Total Disability - Find out about the IC's PTD guidelines and how to apply.
Legislative and Customer Service - Discover the ways we are working to help you and elected officials.
Public Records Policy and Procedures - Read how to request public records from the IC.