Interpretive Services
What are Interpretive Services?
At no charge to the injured worker, the Industrial Commission will provide interpretive services to injured workers who are deaf and hard of hearing or who require a foreign language interpreter at hearings, pre-hearing conferences, and medical examinations.
How do I make arrangements for these services?
To make arrangements for a foreign language interpreter or a deaf and hard of hearing service, a request for service must be filed
prior to each hearing, pre-hearing conferences, and medical examinations. The request is available for submission through ICON or you may download and save a copy of
the Interpretive Service Request Form (IC-INT) by visiting the Forms page.
The completed IC-INT should be uploaded to the claim using ICON or faxed to Customer Service at 614-728-7004.
If you have questions regarding these services, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-521-2691.